Module Api11.Arg

module Arg: sig .. end

val (>>|) : 'a Spotlib.Spot.Option.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b Spotlib.Spot.Option.t

to_string functions of option values

val of_bool : bool Spotlib.Spot.Option.t -> string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t
val of_int64 : int64 Spotlib.Spot.Option.t -> string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t
val of_int : int Spotlib.Spot.Option.t -> string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t
val of_float : float Spotlib.Spot.Option.t -> string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t
val of_string : string option -> string option

Argument generators and consumers

val optional_args : ('a list -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'b

optional argument function accumulation
val run : ('a -> 'b list -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c

"runs" optional argument function optf with the init empty parameters, then give the final set of parameters to consumer
val get : (Api_intf.Json.t -> [< `Error of 'a | `Ok of 'b ]) ->
('c, unit, string,
(string * string option) list ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of [> `Http of int * string | `Json of 'a ] | `Ok of 'b ])
Pervasives.format4 -> ('c -> 'd list -> 'e) -> 'e
val post : (Api_intf.Json.t -> [< `Error of 'a | `Ok of 'b ]) ->
('c, unit, string,
(string * string option) list ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of [> `Http of int * string | `Json of 'a ] | `Ok of 'b ])
Pervasives.format4 -> ('c -> 'd list -> 'e) -> 'e

General optional argument generators

val count : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?count:int -> 'a
val since_max_ids : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?since_id:int64 -> ?max_id:int64 -> 'a
val since_id : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?since_id:int64 -> 'a
val trim_user : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?trim_user:bool -> 'a
val contributer_details : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?contributer_details:bool -> 'a
val include_entities : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?include_entities:bool -> 'a
val include_my_tweet : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?include_my_tweet:bool -> 'a
val include_user_entities : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?include_user_entities:bool -> 'a
val user_id_screen_name : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?user_id:int64 -> ?screen_name:string -> 'a
val required_either_user_id_or_screen_name : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?user_id:int64 -> ?screen_name:string -> 'a
val include_rts : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?include_rts:bool -> 'a
val exclude_replies : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?exclude_replies:bool -> 'a
val skip_status : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?skip_status:bool -> 'a
val in_reply_to_status_id : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?in_reply_to_status_id:int64 -> 'a
val geo : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list ->
?lat:float ->
?long:float -> ?place_id:string -> ?display_coordinates:bool -> 'a
val cursor : ((string * string option) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string option) list -> ?cursor:string -> 'a
val resources : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?resources:string list -> 'a
val follow : ((string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> 'a) ->
(string * string Spotlib.Spot.Option.t) list -> ?follow:bool -> 'a

Required argument generators

val required_args : ((string * string option) list -> Oauth.t -> 'a) ->
Api11.params -> Oauth.t -> (string * string option) list -> 'a
val required_arg : ('a -> (string * string option) list) ->
((string * string option) list -> Oauth.t -> 'b) ->
Api11.params -> Oauth.t -> 'a -> 'b
val required_status : ((string * string option) list -> Oauth.t -> 'a) ->
Api11.params -> Oauth.t -> string -> 'a
val required_q : ((string * string option) list -> Oauth.t -> 'a) ->
Api11.params -> Oauth.t -> string -> 'a
val required_id : ((string * string option) list -> Oauth.t -> 'a) ->
Api11.params -> Oauth.t -> int64 -> 'a

Format argument generators

val format1 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c
Introduce format string arguments. They must appear at the end of function compositions, just before the call of api.
val format2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'c -> 'a -> 'b -> 'd
val format3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> 'd -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'e