Module Api11.Friendships

module Friendships: sig .. end

type connection = [ `Followed_by | `Following | `Follwing_requested | `None ] 
val json_of_connection : connection -> Api_intf.Json.t
val connection_of_json : (connection, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val connection_of_json_exn : (connection, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn
val ocaml_of_connection : connection -> Ocaml.t
val connection_of_ocaml : (connection, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val connection_of_ocaml_exn : (connection, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn

HTTP parameters

We handle HTTP parameters as (string * string option) list

Coercing to the normal HTTP header type, (string * string) list.

Base communication

To live with other errors like `HTTP, Json decoding erros are tagged with `Json.

api post meth fmt ...(format args)... params oauth

post : Parser of JSON. If you want to have the raw JSON, use fun x -> `Ok x. meth : GET or POST fmt : piece of path, you can use Printf % format params : the type is params oauth : OAuth value

Argment handling

to_string functions of option values

Argument generators and consumers

optional argument function accumulation

"runs" optional argument function optf with the init empty parameters, then give the final set of parameters to consumer

General optional argument generators

type t = < connections : connection list; id : int64;
id_str : string; name : string; screen_name : string >
val json_of_t : t -> Api_intf.Json.t
val t_of_json : (t, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val t_of_json_exn : (t, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn
val ocaml_of_t : t -> Ocaml.t
val t_of_ocaml : (t, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val t_of_ocaml_exn : (t, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn

HTTP parameters

We handle HTTP parameters as (string * string option) list

Coercing to the normal HTTP header type, (string * string) list.

Base communication

To live with other errors like `HTTP, Json decoding erros are tagged with `Json.

api post meth fmt ...(format args)... params oauth

post : Parser of JSON. If you want to have the raw JSON, use fun x -> `Ok x. meth : GET or POST fmt : piece of path, you can use Printf % format params : the type is params oauth : OAuth value

Argment handling

to_string functions of option values

Argument generators and consumers

optional argument function accumulation

"runs" optional argument function optf with the init empty parameters, then give the final set of parameters to consumer

General optional argument generators

type ts = t list 
val json_of_ts : ts -> Api_intf.Json.t
val ts_of_json : (ts, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val ts_of_json_exn : (ts, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn
val ocaml_of_ts : ts -> Ocaml.t
val ts_of_ocaml : (ts, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val ts_of_ocaml_exn : (ts, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn

HTTP parameters

We handle HTTP parameters as (string * string option) list

Coercing to the normal HTTP header type, (string * string) list.

Base communication

To live with other errors like `HTTP, Json decoding erros are tagged with `Json.

api post meth fmt ...(format args)... params oauth

post : Parser of JSON. If you want to have the raw JSON, use fun x -> `Ok x. meth : GET or POST fmt : piece of path, you can use Printf % format params : the type is params oauth : OAuth value

Argment handling

to_string functions of option values

Argument generators and consumers

optional argument function accumulation

"runs" optional argument function optf with the init empty parameters, then give the final set of parameters to consumer

General optional argument generators

val lookup : ?screen_name:string list ->
?user_id:int64 list ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of ts ]
type ids = {
   ids :int64 list;
val json_of_ids : ids -> Api_intf.Json.t
val ids_of_json : (ids, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val ids_of_json_exn : (ids, Api_intf.Json.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn
val ocaml_of_ids : ids -> Ocaml.t
val ids_of_ocaml : (ids, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t
val ids_of_ocaml_exn : (ids, Ocaml.t) Meta_conv.Types.Decoder.t_exn

HTTP parameters

We handle HTTP parameters as (string * string option) list

Coercing to the normal HTTP header type, (string * string) list.

Base communication

To live with other errors like `HTTP, Json decoding erros are tagged with `Json.

api post meth fmt ...(format args)... params oauth

post : Parser of JSON. If you want to have the raw JSON, use fun x -> `Ok x. meth : GET or POST fmt : piece of path, you can use Printf % format params : the type is params oauth : OAuth value

Argment handling

to_string functions of option values

Argument generators and consumers

optional argument function accumulation

"runs" optional argument function optf with the init empty parameters, then give the final set of parameters to consumer

General optional argument generators

val gen_io : string ->
([> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of int64 ]
Spotlib.Spot.Stream.t -> 'a) ->
Oauth.t -> 'a
val incoming_stream : Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of int64 ]
val incoming : Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of int64 ]
val outgoing_stream : Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of int64 ]
val outgoing : Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of int64 ]
val create : ?user_id:int64 ->
?screen_name:string ->
?follow:bool ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.User.t ]
val follow : ?user_id:int64 ->
?screen_name:string ->
?follow:bool ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.User.t ]
val destroy : ?user_id:int64 ->
?screen_name:string ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.User.t ]
val unfollow : ?user_id:int64 ->
?screen_name:string ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.User.t ]