Module Api11.Tweets

module Tweets: sig .. end

val retweets : ?count:int ->
?trim_user:bool ->
int64 ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.Tweet.ts ]
val show : ?trim_user:bool ->
?include_my_tweet:bool ->
?include_entities:bool ->
int64 ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.Tweet.t ]
val destroy : ?trim_user:bool ->
int64 ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of [> `Http of int * string | `Json of 'a ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.Json.t ]
val update : ?in_reply_to_status_id:int64 ->
?lat:float ->
?long:float ->
?place_id:string ->
?display_coordinates:bool ->
?trim_user:bool ->
Oauth.t ->
string ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.Tweet.t ]
val retweet : ?trim_user:bool ->
int64 ->
Oauth.t ->
[> `Error of
[> `Http of int * string | `Json of Api_intf.Json.t Meta_conv.Error.t ]
| `Ok of Api_intf.Tweet.t ]